Virus Prevalence Survey

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Virus Prevalence Survey

You, or some of your colleagues, may have been involved in a recent survey conducted by the National Computer Security Association to determine just how widespread and severe the computer virus outbreak is in North America and the potential of a computer virus infecting your computer system.

According to the 1997 NCSA Virus Prevalence Survey

  • 99% of all medium and large organizations in North America have experienced AT LEAST ONE computer virus infection.
  • 1/3 of all sites experienced a computer virus disaster, 50% within the last 4 months.
  • The computer virus problem could be virtually eliminated if just 30% of the world's PC users used a current, full-time anti-virus protection method like Command's F-PROT Professional�.
Command's F-PROT Professional can help you prevent:

  • Loss of Productivity
  • Loss of Access to PCs
  • Loss of Access to Data
  • Lost or Corrupted Files
  • System Crashes
  • Screen messages, interference or lockup
  • and much more!
Make an Informed Decision When It Comes to Combating Viruses That Invade and Damage Your Computer System!

Call Command Software Today For Your Complimentary Copy of the 1997 NCSA Computer Virus Prevalence Survey, a valuable information resource!

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