Advertising Model
Discover the unique way in which Command on Demand can achieve the two most important goals of any advertising-driven web site.
Help Desk/Support Model
Command on Demand, with its best-of-breed virus scanner, makes the perfect compliment to any internet or intranet support site.
ISP/Portal Model
Unique advertising opportunities combined with value-added, superior anti-virus protection!
ASP/Utilities Model
With a proven track record of detecting even previously unknown viruses such as Melissa, Command on Demand is a valuable addition to any ASP specializing in utilities software!
Partner Opportunities
Command Interceptor is ideally suited for any security product, including firewalls, backup software, or email programs. If you are a developer or integrator interested in taking advantage of Command's open partnership, visit our Partners Solution Center for full details on how you can place the superior protection of Command Interceptor in your product.