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Command AntiVirus
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F-PROT Shareware

F-PROT Shareware Resources

Remember: Command AntiVirus™ with F-PROT Professional® represents the state-of-the-art in virus detection and removal, providing continuous protection for both workstations and servers throughout your network. It is partially built on the technology developed and available in the shareware version of F-PROT.

F-PROT Shareware

F-PROT began as a shareware virus scanner in 1987. Created by world-renowned anti-virus expert Fridrik Skulason, it rapidly gained acceptance as one of the world's best scanners -- a position it still enjoys today.

In 1995, Vesselin Bontchev joined Frisk Software. Bontchev, a respected anti-virus researcher from the University of Hamburg is a powerful new addition to Frisk Software, and shows the company's commitment to the future.

You can download the shareware version of F-PROT from the File Downloads secton of this site, or if you have FTP access, you can always get the most up-to date version of the shareware version of F-PROT by anonymous FTP from all Simtel mirror sites.

"F-PROT consistently maintains the highest ratings in all independent tests of scanning...."
-Robert Slade, Robert Slade's Guide to Computer Viruses, 1994

"By far the best known anti-virus product to match this criterion is Frisk's F-Prot -- not only is it free, but it's also very good."
Virus Bulletin September 1996