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README FIRST!: Command AntiVirus with F-PROT Professional® for NetWare

Command AntiVirus for NetWare 
Command Software is proud to introduce Command AntiVirus Version 4.52
with our new HoloCheck(tm) scanning technology.
For a list of international distributors of Command Anti-Virus (CSAV),
see the DISTRIB.TXT file that is located on the installation diskettes.
There is now a file included on the first installation diskette,
called FILEINFO.TXT. It is a list of file descriptions and files that
have changed since the previous release.
Please read the Multi-Platform Quick Start Guide that is included with
the installation files. It provides installation instructions and an
overview of Command AntiVirus for all platforms. To read the 
Multi-Platform Quick Start Guide, double-click the file named 
MQCKST.EXE. The unzipped file is a Microsoft Word document.
Release Notes for Command AntiVirus for Netware (CSAV) version 4.52a
New virus signatures have been added in this release.
On rare occasions, an error message appeared stating that 
AlertTrack could not locate the SYS volume object on NDS servers.  
To circumvent the problem, we now also look for the name of the volume 
object, "servername_SYS" (where "servername" contains the actual 
name of the server) and use that name it if exists.
A problem involving the "Exclude=" statement in F-PROT.INI not 
accepting certain server names has been corrected.
Command AntiVirus for NetWare 4.52 has been officially certified
by Novell for use on Novell NetWare 5.0.
Users of Command AntiVirus for Netware may experience occasional
"Out of Cache" memory events when CSAV for NetWare is used under 
CLIB N which is included in NWSP5b. We have noticed that CLIB N 
releases memory differently than the earlier versions of CLIB. 
During your computing session, CLIB N eventually will release the 
memory in question. However, it is not possible to determine exactly 
when that memory will be released. We are working with the Novell 
Corporation to arrive at a solution for this situation. Until the 
CLIB N situation is resolved, users may want to circumvent the 
problem by using an earlier version of CLIB.
Enhancements to CSAV for NetWare's VSENGINE requires that you 
install the latest patches for Novell NetWare. The required 
patches are:
     For NetWare 3.11 servers: 311PTG.EXE and LIB311b.EXE
     For NetWare 3.12 servers: 312PTD.EXE and LIB312a.EXE
     For NetWare 4.1x servers: LIBUPG.EXE and IWSP5.EXE
If you have applied LIBUPH.EXE or IWSP5b.EXE, then the following
settings must me made in your STARTUP.NCF or AUTOEXEC.NCF files:
	Set number of frees for garbage collection = 100     
For further information regarding these patches, we suggest that you
visit Novell's web site located at:
The ENGLISH.TX0 file has been removed from the DEPLOYNW.FPN file as
".TX0" files are no longer needed in CSAV for Netware.  If you 
have ENGLISH.TX0 listed in the [DEPLOY] section of your FPNADMIN.INI
file you may want to remove it.
Release Notes Command AntiVirus for NetWare (CSAV) version 4.51
 	F-PROT.NLM  v4.51
        VSEngine.NLM v4.51 with F-PROT scan engine 3.00
        FPNAdmin.EXE v4.51
        F-Delay.NLM v4.51
Command AntiVirus boasts our HoloCheck (tm) scanning technology,
providing the most up-to-date virus prevention. The most important 
benefits of this technology are: 
  *  Simplified updates. You can now update the SIGN.DEF and 
     Macro.def files (which contain the most current virus signatures) 
     without reinstalling all of the components. This method adds 
     speed and efficiency to the new version of Command AntiVirus.
  *  Superior polymorphic virus detection. CSAV now offers 
     unparalleled protection and elimination of polymorphic viruses 
     including the dreaded Morphine, Anxiety and Spanska.
  *  Scanning of embedded (OLE) documents. Not only do we scan 
     documents, but if an infected document is embedded in an Excel 
     spreadsheet or PowerPoint document, Command AntiVirus will catch 
     it and save you from becoming infected.
New virus signatures have been added in this release.
F-MACRO.NLM has been removed. F-MACRO is now part of every scanner
and is therefore not needed as a separate utility.
The following updates/patches are required:
NetWare 3.11  -  lib311a + 311ptg
NetWare 3.12  -  lib312a + 312ptd
NetWare 4.0x  -  libupg
NetWare 4.10  -  libupg + 410pt8a
NetWare 4.11  -  iwsp5b
We have removed the -OLE command-line switch.
We are aware of the intermittent problems with the failure of 
NWIPXSPX.DLL to initialize when you are using Windows NT. We are 
working on the problem. 
For ALERTTRK.NLM to recognize NDS servers, the machine running the 
administration program must use IntraNetWare Client32 or MS Client
with the MSNDS patch. Without this configuration, NDS machines will
not be correctly seen or handled.
NDS servers:
For ALERTTRK.EXE to recognize NDS servers, the workstation running 
the administration program must use the appropriate NetWare network 
files. IntraNetWare Client32 for Windows 95/98/NT or MS Client 
for NetWare Networks for 95/98 with the MSNDS patch must be running 
or NDS machines will not be correctly seen or handled.  To successfully 
launch AlertTrack Administration in NDS mode, users must log into an 
NDS tree.
AlertTrack requires the use of fully qualified user names for the 
broadcast recipient list. User names must be entered as they appear on 
the connection list window in the Monitor program. 
 NDS Example: username.context
Bindery Emulation on NetWare 4.x and 5.x servers:
A user wishing to run AlertTrack Administration on a server 
using bindery emulation must perform two additional steps.  On the 
server run AlertTrack using the command LOAD alerttrk.nlm /bindery.  
On the main login screen of the administration utility, check the 
"Force Bindery Login" checkbox.
Release Notes Command AntiVirus for NetWare (CSAV) 4.00
 	F-PROT.NLM  v4.00
        VSEngine.NLM v4.00 with F-PROT scan engine 2.28
        FPNAdmin.EXE v4.00
        F-Delay.NLM v4.00
New virus signatures have been added in this release.
An error message is now generated when trying to deploy
CSAV from a server when a scan is running.
A minor problem involving filenames with accented characters 
being duplicated as zero-byte files after a scan has 
been corrected.
When running SETUP.EXE, if users did not install any 
components a screen would appear indicating that the 
installation was successful. This inconsistency has 
been fixed. 
When a user at the console changes scans while one or more
CSAV Administration users is also trying to change a scan, an error 
message would appear stating that "The selected scan no 
longer exists or is currently running." CSAV has been modified
to reread the scheduled scans list whenever that menu
item is selected. This modification should significantly 
reduce the number of times that the error message 
is generated.
A minor problem involving the misalignment of text when
entering a the name of a message recipient that consisted of
more than 11 characters has been fixed.
Real-time statistics now clear properly for servers with
very long server names when "Clear All Settings" is chosen 
in CSAV Administration. 
The default deploy files list in FPNADMIN.INI will now be regenerated
if that file is deleted.  Before it would only be regenerated if the
[Deploy] section was not present.
On rare occasions, unloading CSAV at a NetWare 3.x server may
result in a "Module did not release 28 resources" message. 
If you encounter this message, please contact our Technical 
Support Department.
In the Notification dialog box, the option to send a report to 
the System Log file is no longer available.
Release Notes FPN 3.01
        F-PROT.NLM v3.01
        VSEngine.NLM v3.01 with F-PROT scan engine 2.27A
        FPNAdmin.EXE v3.01
        F-Delay.NLM v3.01
We added a console interface called FPNCON to make it easier to
perform tasks directly at the server console. To use the new
text user interface type: LOAD FPNCON at the server console. Note
that FPNCON will not work on NetWare 3.11 as it requires NWSNUT
version 4.11 or higher.
SETUP.NLM reverts to plain text mode if your system is using an 
NWSNUT that is earlier than version 4.11.
We replaced the DEPLOY DOS/WINDOWS menu option with a DEPLOY 
SELECTED FILES option. This new option allows any file (not just
F-PROT files) to be copied to FPN servers. The function is similar
to the NCOPY command with the added advantages of allowing you to 
update multiple servers at one time and to reload F-PROT after 
the update. (NOTE: You will still need to reload AlertTrack if 
it is updated.)  When this option is accessed, the default 
selection of F-PROT files are displayed in a new dialog box. You 
can add or remove files to this list.  In this release, you cannot
change the settings of the checkboxes at the bottom of the dialog
box. The contents of that dialog box are written to the [Deploy] 
section in FPNADMIN.INI upon program termination and are read back 
whenever FPNAdmin is started again.
If a password cannot be changed on a server domain, a message box 
appears identifying the server.	
The scan engine version number can now be seen on the main screen 
under the column header SCN.
INSTALLATION: The AlertTrack and FPN installation is now combined.
The client files of AlertTrack and FPN install into the "F-PROT 
Professional" program folder. If a "Network Security Solutions" 
program folder exists then it is optionally removed. 
Also, the FPN Administration icons have different names then previous 
installations; if the old icons exist in the default program group 
they too are deleted. The AlertTrack help icon is now in the program 
The ???WIN16.DLL (for example, CALWIN16.DLL, CLNWIN16.DLL, etc.) files 
are now always copied in the Windows' SYSTEM directory, if they do not 
already exist. If these files exist in the default F-PROT directory 
they are deleted.  Also, the ???WIN16.DLL files used to be updated as
a group; unless all of them were newer none of them were copied during
the installation. This is no longer the case and each file of the
group can be used to replace its namesake in the Windows' SYSTEM
The Help files contain a new feature that provides Internet access
directly from the opening help screen. There are two icons available
for this purpose. One takes you to our home page and the other takes
you to the page for obtaining an update. You must have Internet 
capability and a browser to use this feature. 
An abend caused by volume names greater 14 characters has been fixed.
An abend sometimes seen on high utilization, large volume (~25 gigs) 
systems has been fixed.
An abend caused by extremely long include/exclude lists has been fixed.
The Internet feature in the Help files requires the presence of the
following files: INTETWH16.DLL, INETWH32.32 and SETBROWS.EXE. These
files need to be in the same directory as the help file.
The AlertTrack files have been added the DEPLOYNW.FPN file and to the 
[Deploy] section in FPNADMIN.INI. If you do not have AlertTrack 
installed on your system, you may want to either remove or 
"comment out" the AlertTrack-related lines in these files.  To comment
out those lines, place a semi-colon in front of them.
The F-PROT Professional for NetWare SETUP.NLM has been moved back to 
disk 2.
Special Notes from previous versions of Command's F-PROT Professional
In an effort to reduce the size of the readme files we remove most of 
the notes from older versions as they become less relevant. We leave 
certain notes which are still pertinent.
Release Notes FPN 2.27B
Novell has replaced the NWCALLS.DLL with several new DLLs. For this
reason, we are no longer installing NWCALLS with FPN.  We now install
the following new DLLs: CALWIN16.DLL, CLNWIN16.DLL, CLXWIN16.DLL, 
LOCWIN16.DLL and NCPWIN16.DLL. The new DLLs offer better support 
for Client 32, a simplified server connection management scheme, and 
will permit more flexibility when using NDS as FPN becomes 
more NDS-aware. We have tested the new DLLs using NetWare Client 32 
for DOS/Windows 3.1 and the NetWare DOS requester (VLMs). Clients 
running NETX.EXE have not been fully tested. As NETX.EXE is no longer 
updated by Novell, we recommend using either NetWare Client 32 or the 
NetWare DOS requester.    
Release Notes FPN 2.27
There is a new option, "Remove all macros if variant is found", now
available in the "Settings" tab for Manual scan, Scheduled scan, 
Real-time scan, and Global default scans. If this option is selected, 
all macros are removed from any file containing a new or modified 
variant of a macro virus. This new option is only available when the 
Action to take is "Disinfect". If this option is not selected, and the 
Action to take is "Disinfect", files that contain remnants or are 
variants of macro infections are renamed.
There is a new error message in FPN: "No available connections from 
primary server". 
 Cause: NetWare (especially version 3.x) only permits the use of a 
   Specified number of user connections to a server based on the 
   license.  When FPN Administration updates the FPN information on its main 
   screen it asks the primary server to ask the other servers in the 
   domain for information about themselves. This requires the use of a
   licensed connection. If there are no more connections are available 
   you will see the message.
   No FPN information is available from some servers; prior to adding
   this new message the user saw a message saying that FPN was 
   "unloaded" from that server. Now you will see the new message.
   First try making another server the primary server. It might be 
   that there are enough connections available at the new one. Or,
   wait until someone logs off the servers and frees up a connection.
Compatibility update: FPN is compatible with the current shipping 
versions of the following products. We recommend using only these 
current versions. 
1. Backup Agent for Open Files  v3.0
2. Open File Manager            v3.0
3. ARCserve                     v6.0
4. Backup Exec                  v7.11a
5. Replica                      v2.1
Additional notes and comments:
When a scan is run, it will scan all servers in the "Selected Servers"
list box - not just the one you have highlighted.  Remove them from the list
if they are not to be scanned.
When first using F-PROT Professional for NetWare, it is
suggested the first scan include compressed & migrated files,
and the action be Report.  This is strictly a precautionary
Command Software Systems has greatly expanded its technical support to
include a variety of electronic services. You may contact us at any one
of the following:
Command Software Systems, Inc.
1061 E. Indiantown Rd., Suite 500
Jupiter, FL  33477
   Voice: 561-575-3200 8:00 am to 8:00 pm EST.
     Fax: 561-575-3026
     BBS: 561-575-1281
     CIS: 75300,3645 (Type GO PCVENF at any CIS ! prompt. We're in section 9.)
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
World Wide Web:
In Europe contact:
Command Software Systems, Inc. 
UK Branch
Ground Floor	
Millbank Tower
London SW1P 4QP
   Voice: +44 171 931-9301
     Fax: +44 171 931-9302
     BBS: +44 171 931-9303
Internet: [email protected]
          [email protected]
          [email protected]