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README FIRST!: Command AntiVirus with F-PROT Professional® for DOS and Windows

Command AntiVirus for Windows
Command Software is proud to introduce Command AntiVirus, Version 4.52,
with our new HoloCheck(tm) scanning technology. 
Before installing or running Command AntiVirus for the first time,
please verify that your Command AntiVirus disks are write-protected.
If you suspect your computer has a virus, boot from a floppy disk
that is write-protected and then scan for viruses.
Please note that CSAV for Windows 3.1 will offer protection in the
Windows environment only.  CSAV for DOS, a separate product, offers
virus protection for DOS mode.
For a list of international distributors of Command AntiVirus, see
the DISTRIB.TXT file that is located on the installation diskettes.
The file called FILEINFO.TXT is a list of file descriptions and files that
have changed since the previous release.
Please read the Multi-Platform Start Guide that is included with the
installation files. It provides installation instructions and an overview
of Command AntiVirus for all platforms. To read the Multi-Platform Quick
Start Guide, double-click the file named MQCKST.EXE. The unzipped file is a
Microsoft Word document.
Notes on Command AntiVirus for Windows (CSAV) version 4.52
New virus signatures have been added in this release.
Some issues with CSAV for Windows' Automatic Update feature
have been addressed and corrected:
   1. Occasional problems with Automatic Update not properly
      launching SETUP.EXE for the "Full Setup" option have 
      been fixed.
   2. Difficulty in updating the DVP31.EXE file has been 
   3. After a Full Setup, Automatic Update was not properly
      updating defintion files (*.DEF).  The updates now 
      take place correctly.
None for this release.
Notes on Command AntiVirus for Windows (CSAV) version 4.51
Command AntiVirus boasts our HoloCheck(tm) scanning technology,
providing the most up-to-date virus prevention. The most important
benefits of this technology are:
  *  Simplified updates. You can now update the SIGN.DEF file
     (the file that contains the most current virus signatures)
     without reinstalling all of the components. This method adds
     speed and efficiency to the new version of Command AntiVirus.
  *  Superior polymorphic virus detection. CSAV now offers
     unparalleled protection and elimination of polymorphic viruses
     including the dreaded Morphine, Anxiety and Spanska.
  *  Scanning of embedded (OLE) documents. Not only do we scan
     documents, but if an infected document is embedded in an Excel
     spreadsheet or PowerPoint document, Command AntiVirus will catch
     it and save you from becoming infected.
  *  Support for nested zip files.
New virus signatures have been added in this release.
F-MACRO.EXE is no longer included as a separate utility since all
of its features are now incorporated into the main scanner.
The Automatic Update feature has been added in this release. Once the new
version  of Command AntiVirus is installed, you will be able to implement this
powerful, yet easy-to-use capability to keep your Windows 3.1x workstations
updated with the most recent product and signature file updates. Complete
details for implementing this feature are available in the new Command AntiVirus
for Windows manual, which is available on the CD or from our web site.  Printed
copies are available for purchase.
The ability to add user-defined strings is not supported by the
new design of CSAV.  The architecture of our HoloCheck technology makes
this feature obsolete without compromising protection.
We recommend that you do not enable Scan All Network Drives from any
of our workstation products as performance on busy servers may be adversely
affected by the additional network traffic.
Due to changes in the functionality of the scan engine, the tab for
Memory Scanning under Options|Active Protection now only shows
one option. When enabled, the first 640k of memory will be scanned.
With this version of CSAV for DOS, VIRSTOP is no longer available. All
references to VIRSTOP and its associated programs should be removed from
batch files. Older versions of VIRSTOP are not compatible with
CSAV version 4.51.
Media such as Jazz drives are reported by different operating systems
as either Fixed or Removable media. Because of this, they cannot be
classified by Command AntiVirus as one or the other. Jazz drives will
be scanned when Scan All Hard Drives is selected or by the creation of
specific tasks.
We have improved the performance of the on-access scanner so that
MS Mail attachments are scanned on open.  Previous versions of CSAV
only detected infections in attachments on file close.
Due to the introduction of CSS Central, SE_UTIL will be phased out.
Command will support SE_UTIL through 12/1/98.  After that date,
customers can continue to use the utility though we will no longer
update it.
Notes on Command AntiVirus for DOS/Windows (CSAV) v.4.00
New virus signatures have been added in this release.
Command AntiVirus contains a completely new Dynamic Virus
Protection (DVP) scheme. The new DVP is a virtual device driver
that replaces the combined functionality of the F-AGENT.EXE,
F-PROTW.CFG, A-PROT.EXE, and FPROTW.386 files. Prior to this
release, configuring F-PROT Professional's DVP consisted of
running DVPSET ADMIN and then making changes the desired
changes in the "F-PROT DVP Settings" dialog box. That
procedure is no longer necessary as Command AntiVirus 4.00's
DVP settings are accessed through the Active Protection tab
found in the Options menu.
Difficulty in getting INSTALL to run from a network directory
has been fixed. The problem involved receiving calls for disk 1 of 3
and then not allowing the installation to complete.
When the /REPORT switch is used with FP.EXE, the F-MACRO
report is automatically appended to the original report.
Prior to this release, the original report was over-written.
CSAV is an abbreviation for "Command AntiVirus" -- the new name of
our anti-virus product line. Prior to the name change, the product
line was referred to as "Command's F-PROT Professional."
The Automatic Update feature that is documented in the Command
AntiVirus for DOS and Windows Users Manual is not available
in this version of CSAV. That feature will be included as a
product enhancement in a future release.
32-bit file access may not work with VLM's, CLIENT32 and NETX.
We will revert to 16-bit file access when necessary. Investigation
on this issue is ongoing, but we felt the advantages of
full 32-bit VxD, in terms of stability and speed, were more
important to our customers.
For Client32 users: In DOS, use VIRSTOP2.EXE instead of VIRSTOP.EXE.
Copy VIRSTOP2.EXE from the installation disks to the
F-PROT directory. If you reference VIRSTOP.EXE in your AUTOEXEC.BAT
you will need to change the call to VIRSTOP2.EXE. The options for
VIRSTOP2.EXE are limited. To view the list of options type
VIRSTOP2 /? at a DOS prompt. If you are experiencing any
difficulties, please contact Technical Support.
When VSHARE.386 is disabled in SYSTEM.INI file and SHARE.EXE
is launched from AUTOEXEC.BAT, an "Unable to Load Macro.def"
error message could appear.  This is a configuration and resource issue.
VSHARE is the newer of the two programs and it is the preferred driver.
If you must use SHARE for compatibility with older software, its parameters
may need to be adjusted.  For more details, please contact the
vendor of the product that requires SHARE.
Selected Notes from previous versions of Command's F-PROT Professional
In an effort to reduce the size of the readme files we remove most of
the notes from older versions as they become less relevant. We leave
certain notes which are still pertinent.
In order to run the FPWCFG.EXE program, you must have CTL3D.DLL in the
current working directory with FPWCFG.EXE or the DLL must be in the
Windows\System directory.  CTL3D.DLL is copied to the CSAV
directory upon installation.
Please report any virus incidents to [email protected]
Some helpful files are:
SE_EICAR.EXE -- a program that mimics a virus in order to demonstrate how
CSAV (formerly Command's F-PROT Professional) reacts to real viruses, and
SE_UTIL.EXE a utility for multi-platform users. SE_UTIL.EXE contains its
own readthis.bat file for viewing and instructions. These files are located
on the installation diskettes.
If you use File Assist from Norton Desktop for Windows, File | Scan
Directory will not correctly switch drives when you type it into the
File to Scan field.
If you have a NetWare server that is infected with a master boot
sector virus, do not use CSAV (formerly Command's F-PROT Professional) to
disinfect immediately. Instead, boot to a clean system DOS disk and use
FIXDISK.EXE to save an image.  After getting the image, use CSAV to disinfect.
If you can't access your NetWare partitions after disinfection,
run FIXDISK.EXE again to undo the image that you just saved.
Please call technical support at 800/423-9147 and arrange to send
us the image for manual disinfection.  This procedure is
necessary due to the way NetWare overrides the stealthing
function of viruses by not making changes to the original master
boot sector.  When this happens, CSAV will overwrite the partitions.
Command Software Systems has greatly expanded its technical support to
include a variety of electronic services. You may contact us at any one
of the following:
Command Software Systems, Inc.
1061 E. Indiantown Rd., Suite 500
Jupiter, FL  33477
   Voice: 561/575-3200 9:00 am to 5:00 pm EST.
     Fax: 561/575-3026
     BBS: 561/575-1281
     CIS: 75300,3645 (Type GO PCVENF at any CIS ! prompt. We're in section 9.)
Internet: [email protected], [email protected]
World Wide Web:
In Europe, contact:
Command Software Systems, Inc.
UK Branch
Ground Floor
Millbank Tower
London SW1P 4QP
   Voice: +44 171 931-9301
     Fax: +44 171 931-9302
     BBS: +44 171 931-9303
Internet: [email protected]
          [email protected]
          [email protected]